Ranking the Wheel of Time Books: From Worst to Best

Ranking the Wheel of Time Books: From Worst to Best

The Wheel of Time series, a cornerstone of epic fantasy, has captivated readers with its sprawling world, intricate characters, and unforgettable moments. With 14 books (and a prequel) under its belt, the series has its share of highs and lows. Here’s a comprehensive, spoiler-free ranking of the Wheel of Time books, from those that tested our patience to those that redefined the genre.

15. Crossroads of Twilight: The Dark Side of the Wheel

“Crossroads of Twilight” is often regarded as the weakest link in the series. The pacing is glacial, with the plot moving at a crawl, bogged down by unnecessary details. While there are some essential character developments, the book feels like it’s treading water. Many fans agree that the content could have been condensed into other books without losing much, making it the one installment many readers endure rather than enjoy.

14. The Path of Daggers: The Road Less Remembered

“The Path of Daggers” is another entry that often fades from memory, save for one standout scene. It’s one of the books caught in what fans dub the “slog”—a period in the series where the narrative slows considerably. Despite this, it has redeeming qualities, particularly a crucial moment involving Rand that gives the book some much-needed weight. Still, it struggles to leave a lasting impact and is easily overshadowed by stronger entries.

13. The Eye of the World: The Beginning of the Journey

Ranking the series’ first book so low may surprise some, but “The Eye of the World” has its share of drawbacks. While it introduces the richly detailed world of Emond’s Field and sets the stage for the epic saga to come, its heavy reliance on Tolkien-esque tropes and a somewhat confusing ending make it less memorable than later books. However, it’s important to remember that this is just the beginning, and the series only grows more complex and engaging from here.

12. A Crown of Swords: The Regal Enigma

“A Crown of Swords” is a mixed bag—forgettable in many aspects but sprinkled with some fantastic moments, particularly for Mat’s character. The plot isn’t as sticky as others, making it one of the more elusive books in terms of memory. However, those who dig deep will find hidden gems that shine brightly amidst the slower pacing and more subdued narrative.

11. Winter’s Heart: The Thaw in the Sludge

“Winter’s Heart” marks the beginning of the end of the “slog,” with the series starting to regain its momentum. This book features several memorable moments and a climax that’s nothing short of spectacular. It ranks among the top five endings in the series, a testament to its ability to rise above its middle-period peers and re-engage readers with the epic scope of the story.

10. Towers of Midnight: Controversy Towers

“Towers of Midnight,” Brandon Sanderson’s second contribution to the series, is a divisive entry. While some appreciate the renewed energy Sanderson brought to the series, others felt that Perrin’s storyline fell flat, especially for a character who had previously been a fan favorite. The timeline can be confusing, a result of the last three books originally being planned as one massive tome. Despite these challenges, “Towers of Midnight” delivers a strong climax and sets the stage for the series’ grand finale.

9. New Spring: A Refreshing Prelude

“New Spring,” a prequel novella, offers a refreshing break from the heavier tomes that dominate the series. At just 300 pages, it’s a quick and engaging read that delves into the backstory of key characters, providing valuable context for the main series. However, it’s not a book to start with; its full impact is best appreciated when read in publication order, after “Crossroads of Twilight.” Without prior knowledge of the series’ intricate world and characters, new readers might find themselves lost in its pages.

8. Lord of Chaos: Highs and Lows in the Wheel’s Dance

“Lord of Chaos” is a rollercoaster ride, offering some of the highest highs and lowest lows in the series. Certain scenes in this book are unforgettable, leaving a lasting mark on readers. However, the pacing is inconsistent, with moments of brilliance often offset by slower, more meandering passages. Despite these flaws, “Lord of Chaos” is a book that every fan of the series remembers, for better or worse, and it plays a crucial role in the overarching narrative.

7. The Dragon Reborn: A Third-Act Triumph

“The Dragon Reborn” marks the conclusion of the first major arc in the series, delivering a fast-paced and thrilling adventure. This book is packed with memorable moments that keep readers on the edge of their seats.

However, it’s not without its flaws. The balance of character perspectives leans heavily away from Rand, leaving some readers craving more from his journey. Despite this, “The Dragon Reborn” is a pivotal entry that solidifies the series’ reputation for epic storytelling.

6. Knife of Dreams: Jordan’s Swan Song

“Knife of Dreams” is Robert Jordan’s final solo entry in the series and is often considered a return to form after the slower pace of the previous books. This book is a masterclass in epic fantasy, delivering some of the most memorable moments and battles in the entire series.

From the stirring call of the Golden Crane to the intense confrontations that pepper the narrative, “Knife of Dreams” is a testament to Jordan’s storytelling prowess. Though the pacing may still be a tad slow for some, there’s no denying that this novel leaves a powerful impact and sets the stage for the series’ conclusion.

5. The Shadow Rising: World-Building Extravaganza

“The Shadow Rising” is where Robert Jordan’s world-building truly shines. This book expands the scope of the series in ways that few anticipated, introducing the enigmatic Aiel and new POV characters that enrich the narrative.

The world of The Wheel of Time grows from good to exceptional here, as Jordan delves deeper into the lore and cultures that make the series so immersive. However, the repetitive elements that have become a hallmark of the series, such as characters smoothing their skirts or crossing their arms, can become a bit tiresome. Despite these quirks, “The Shadow Rising” is a favorite among many fans and is often cited as one of the best in the series.

4. The Gathering Storm: Sanderson Shines Bright

“The Gathering Storm,” co-authored by Brandon Sanderson and Robert Jordan, is a triumph in storytelling. This book takes readers on an emotional rollercoaster, delivering some of the series’ most powerful moments. Sanderson’s influence is evident, bringing a renewed energy to the narrative that propels it forward with a sense of urgency and purpose.

The book excels in character development, with several key figures undergoing significant growth. The Gathering Storm is a masterclass in pacing and emotional depth, making it a standout entry that resonates deeply with fans.

3. The Great Hunt: Hooked on Jordan’s Vision

“The Great Hunt” is where Robert Jordan truly won over his audience. After finishing this book, many readers knew they were in for the long haul, committed to seeing the series through to its conclusion.

The book is a perfect blend of action, intrigue, and character development, expanding on the foundations laid in “The Eye of the World.” The introduction of the Seanchan and the deepening of the series’ mythology make “The Great Hunt” a thrilling and essential read. It’s a book that hooks readers with its vision and leaves them eager for more.

2. A Memory of Light: The Epic Finale

“A Memory of Light,” the final book in the series, could easily have taken the top spot. This epic conclusion, crafted by Brandon Sanderson from Robert Jordan’s extensive notes, is nothing short of spectacular.

The book brings the series to a satisfying and emotionally charged conclusion, with “The Last Battle” standing out as one of the most remarkable achievements in fantasy literature. The sheer scale and intensity of the finale are awe-inspiring, making “A Memory of Light” a must-read for any fan of the genre. It’s a fitting end to a series that has captivated readers for decades.

1. The Fires of Heaven: A Blazing Masterpiece

At the top of the list is “The Fires of Heaven,” a book that represents the pinnacle of Robert Jordan’s storytelling. This entry is relentless in its pacing, unyielding in its brutality, and deeply affecting in its emotional impact. The narrative fires on all cylinders, delivering a story that is both epic in scope and intimate in its character development.

Mat, one of the series’ most beloved characters, shines in this book, with some of his best moments taking place here. “The Fires of Heaven” elevates the series from great to legendary, cementing its place as one of the finest works in fantasy literature.

Conclusion: The Wheel of Time Beckons

There you have it—a carefully ranked list of the Wheel of Time books. Whether you agree with the rankings or not, there’s no denying that this series is a must-read for any fantasy fan. Its sprawling world, complex characters, and thrilling narrative await those who dare to embark on this epic journey.

The Wheel of Time is more than just a series; it’s a world that will captivate and transport you to a place where the Pattern weaves its intricate tapestry. If you’re craving more fantasy content, be sure to subscribe or follow us on Instagram @fantasyarchivesinsta for more adventures in the world of fantasy and sci-fi. The Wheel of Time awaits!

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